PIT – UK Meetings
Meetings of PIT-UK take place every two months (usually the first Friday of every other month at 1-3pm) at the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Gaskell House, Swinton Grove, Manchester M13 0EU, which is part of Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. We also run an Advanced PIT Training Day every November. All members of PIT – UK are welcome to attend the meetings, which are very friendly and informal. If you would like to attend a meeting please join the group via this website.
The dates of forthcoming meetings and associated CPD topics are below:
Friday 8th May 2023 1-45 to 3pm: The SELF: Norma Jeane, Trauma and the Self
Frank will discuss the idea of the fragmented self drawing on Norma jeane Baker transforming herself into Marilyn Monroe as a way of dealing with early trauma